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Salamanca Place, Hobart, Tasmania


A river, a port, a city which grew around both; and a community which to a besotted visitor such as I, seems to on one hand retain a very real sense of who it is, whilst simultaneously asking itself who it wants to be, by considering its own history, and its aspirations for the future, so that it may inform better understandings of what that society’s tomorrows might look like. Hobart The Brave; a city and community to be celebrated.


Southwards from Hobart Town the roads tend to inevitably lead to other roads leading back to Hobart, circuitously. And I love them for it. If you’ve never taken a day circumnavigating the round-trip from/to Hobart via the Channel Highway and Huon Valley then you really should. As you also should consider the various loops of road available to explore the upper Derwent River to New Norfolk and on to Bothwell, Richmond or Oatlands and return.

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